Saturday, March 29, 2014

Getting Organized

Where do I start?

For anyone who has not yet heard the story behind my study abroad experience in México, here is a quick rundown of the five W's and the H:

Who? Me, of course!

Even better, my friend Jasmin Vant plans to go also.

I met Jasmin last spring (2013) in Spanish class, and we have been studying Spanish together for three semesters now. She is a History Education major here at DWU, and she is also pursuing minors in Music and Spanish. She keeps busy with many other activities at DWU, including Wesleyan Choir, Highlanders (another choir), and DWU Multicultural Club.


What? A summer study abroad program through Central College, a small liberal arts college based in Pella, Iowa. Specifically, the four week Intensive Language and Culture Immersion Program.

When? Four weeks during the summer of 2014. We plan to fly out on May 24 and return home on June 21.

Where? We will be in the city of Mérida, in the state of Yucatan, in the country of México.

Why? Almost as much for the college credit as for the experience.

In the four weeks of classes in México, I will gain six college credits. This will be enough to finish my Spanish minor. I hope the immersion experience will greatly improve my conversational skills. I am especially looking forward to meeting the family with whom I will be staying while in Mérida.

How? I learned about Central College Abroad through my Spanish teacher, Diana Spinar. She has sent several students to the program, and she has visited Mérida herself to evaluate the program. Mostly because of her encouragement, I decided to take this opportunity to travel and improve my Spanish skills. Once I made up my mind to go, I started working on Jasmin to accompany me.

That is the short version of the story. I applied to CCA for the Mérida program during Thanksgiving break 2013, and I was accepted shortly after returning to school for the spring semester 2014. Once the application deadline of March 15 passed, I got my online acceptance packet and started filling out forms, researching plane tickets, and reading everything I could find about the program in Mérida.

I am still trying to get myself organized. I still need to get my physical and TB test and send those forms in. I also need to buy my plane tickets and submit my flight information to CCA. But everything is falling into place smoothly, and before I know it, May 24 will be here!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Meeting Val

On Friday, my mom and I had the opportunity to meet the director of the CCA program in Mérida, Valerie Grimsley. Val was on campus at DWU for the day, and my Spanish teacher arranged a meeting with her for me. Mom drove up to Mitchell so we could meet Val and get to know her a little bit. Val will be taking care of us while we are in Mexico; from meeting us at the airport when we arrive to bringing us back when we leave. She will arrange our homestays, oversee our orientation and transition into life in Mérida, plan all our excursions, and be available for help with any questions or problems.

It was so interesting to hear Val talk about life in Mérida and what the summer program is like. We got the opportunity to ask any questions we had, and we all got to know each other a little bit better. I even found out stuff about my mom that I had never known. How did this lady pull things out of Mom in 60 minutes that I never heard in 22 years? Obviously, I can learn more than Spanish from her while I am in Mexico!

After an hour flew by, we said goodbye and left. I think Mom felt better about letting her daughter traipse off to a foreign land, now that she knew someone would be looking out for her. I know I feel better knowing the person who will meet us at the airport and take care of us in Mérida. Now I am more excited than ever to get to Mexico. I am ready to leave tomorrow! But Mom says she has enough patience for both of us, so I will try to wait...