Monday, May 26, 2014

Casa Central

This post is about the Central House, which I will be living in until Friday. It is really a beautiful home, and we already feel very much at home here. I could describe the house for days, but I will let the photos do the talking.
This is the entrance to Casa Central that we use. I took this picture standing in the middle of Calle 20, a fairly quiet side street. The gate is locked after midnight, but we can ring the bell and Frankie will let us in at any time.
A giant rubber tree just inside the entrance. Val said it is about 150 years old.
This is the grand staircase. Most of the bedrooms are upstairs, but the boys are downstairs just off the dining room.
This is the first hallway upstairs after the grand staircase. The bathroom is to the left and my room (pictured in the last post) to the right. Another student (not from our group) is staying in room 4 for the week. When she leaves, her room will become a classroom for a few weeks.
This is the bathroom. The toilet--and wastepaper basket--are right behind the door, the sink is to the right, and the huge shower is through the next door.

This is the view from my room of the other bedrooms on the second level. As you can see, it is open to the lower level as well. To the left of the picture, where you can see the light coming in, is the door to the balcony. My window opens onto the balcony as well.
This is the balcony. Perfect for relaxing late at night or sunbathing mid-afternoon.

This is the view looking down from my hallway.
And this is the sitting area at the bottom of the grand staircase. It is the part of the main floor that you cannot see on the above picture.
The open door on the right leads to the front porch and another gate. This gate used to be the main entrance, but now faces onto a very busy street (Calle 31). We use the door next to it, which leads to the other entrance on Calle 20 (which I showed in the first photo of this post).

This is the front porch I just mentioned, looking out from that big open door. The gate you see is what used to be the main entrance. As you can see, this porch is perfect for a sunny day, because it is shaded and breezy.

I walked over to the gate and took a picture looking back towards the house.

This is the dining area. You can see it from my room. The hallway just visible to the left leads to the boys' bedrooms and bathroom. To the right is the kitchen. The door in the center leads to another patio and the palapa.

The patio. I walked through those doors, off the patio, then turned around and took a picture. It is pretty, but sunny.

And this is the palapa, just off the dining room patio. The palapa is just what it looks like, a screened, covered outdoor room. It would be comparable to a screened-in gazebo. We will be using it for a classroom and meeting place.


 And that is most of Central House! There are offices, classrooms, and staff rooms as well. Frankie, the doorman, was watching me take pictures. He explained the house is very old, and used to be a governor's mansion. He was very pleased when I replied, ¡Me encanta! (I love it!)


  1. Natalie (your sis:)May 27, 2014 at 7:47 PM

    Wow sis!!! The pictures are so epic! Thanks for taking/sharing them all!!! It really wouldn't work to describe it without the pictures :) the layout and design of the house is so neat!! ¡Me encanta! :)

    1. Thanks :) this post was for you. I was trying to describe it with only a few pictures, but then I thought, What would Natalie do? And I knew you would take a bagazillion pictures and post most of them, so I took a few less than a zillion and posted a third of them :P I have an empty bed in my room...if you hop a plane, you can be here by 10 PM tomorrow!

  2. Wow Lydia~looks amazing!! What an amazing trip--so happy you got this experience! I'd like to be there sweating with you instead of dripping at the Mitchell greenhouse today, but we'll survive! ;) Will be praying for your safety and a great learning experience! Enjoy!!

    1. oops--from Jessica! :)

    2. Thanks Jessica! Yes, it is proving to be an amazing experience! Tonight we went out towards the downtown area. We walked and walked and walked. We walked some more and then had to turn around and walk home! I don't know how far we went but we were walking for over two hours. It was really fun because we were talking the whole time! But now I am tired and ready for bed :) Thanks for the comment!

  3. Hey Lydia!
    It looks like you're staying in a pretty epic house!!!!!!! Looks like a pretty cool place to hang a hammock! I could really use that right now as I'm ready to go finish pulling our load that is supposed to go out yet today. Its like 90 outside without a wind so in the greenhouse I guess its at least 100! :S Where is that fresh-squeezed lemonade you were telling mom about????
    LYTMAB :):)

  4. Hi Lydia!! The pictures cool! I would love to fly out and live with you for a few days!! Now I got to find some books to read while we are at the library. Have fun for the rest of your stay (I really don't have to tell you that :P) <3 Carolyn <3

  5. Ahhh, brings back wonderful memories of Merida! Such a beautiful house and city! I believe you are staying in the same room I did when I was there. I enjoy reading your posts and I hope you have time to write more!

  6. That house is super amazing!!! Can i come sunbathing on the back porch with you?? Like tommorow?:)


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