Friday, May 16, 2014


Eight more days!

It's hard to believe how quickly the last two weeks have flown by! My semester ended at DWU May 1, and now half of the month is gone. Next week Saturday, Jasmin and I will be leaving for Mérida. Busy working at the greenhouse, the nursing home, and the ambulance, I have not yet found time to start packing my suitcases.

Today, for the first time, I felt nervous about going. Not too nervous, but a few butterflies. My biggest fear right now is forgetting my passport. I do not have the best record for remembering this rather important document. In the last four years, I forgot it on two of my five trips to Canada. Anyone wanna call me at 3:00 AM next Saturday? Ask me if I have my passport. Then call me again at 3:30, just in case.

Val posted packing lists, budget guidelines, and calendars on our discussion board. It's been really helpful in knowing how to prepare and pack. Somehow I will get everything done...maybe. My next post will be from the airport on Saturday!


  1. Hi Lydia!!! Wow, I still can't quite believe you are going all the way to Mexico already! Wasn't it just yesterday you were telling me about it?

    1. It sees like it! Now I am down to two days, and I just started packing! Yikes! But somehow it will all get done :)

  2. Hey, Just to let ya know that I'm thinking of you! Tomorrow you fly out! eeeeeeekk!!!! so exciting!! :-) :-) :-)


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