Monday, May 26, 2014

Orientation II

After breakfast Sunday morning, we met in the palapa for our second orientation session. Val explained the street system to us and talked about money. After about an hour of classroom time, we gathered water bottles, sunglasses, and sunscreen and headed out onto the streets. We walked for about an hour and a half in a big circle around the neighborhood. Val showed us several landmarks and several popular places to go. We saw beautiful buildings, amazing flowers, and a Mayan sacred tree. Pictures to come, I promise! Most of these were along my route to my homestay, so I will see them every morning for three weeks.

We returned to the house just after 11 AM. Hot and sweaty, we washed up and collapsed into a comfortable chair to relax until lunch time. I escaped to my room, where I had over an hour of quiet time before heading back downstairs to join the others for lunch. We were gone from 12:30 to 3:00 for lunch and another walking tour of the area. We saw some more homestays, other popular hangouts, and the Mega, a giant superstore like Walmart. Mega is one of the places we can withdraw Mexican pesos with a debit or ATM card. Some of the students brought only American cash, and they will go downtown tomorrow to exchange it at a casa de cambio (exchange house).

After returning to the house, most of us took a quick shower. We had just been walking in the heat of the day, and the cool house felt amazing. Although we do not have air conditioning, every room is well-ventilated. The house is built for the tropics, and it is surprisingly comfortable. I returned to my room again to get some quiet time. I already love spending time with everyone else in the group, but I am used to Sundays being quiet days to go to church and spend time with my family.

At 5:00, the 9 Language students met in the palapa for another orientation session. Alex, Katie, Debora, Nicole, Bailey, Regan, Danni, Jasmin, and me. Val talked about our homestays and what each host would expect of us. At 6:30 we met in the dining room again for a delicious meal of lasagna, cheese bread, and tossed salad. (See, Dad, no tacos!) After supper, we had free time again. Some of the students went back out to explore the neighborhood, and Val went to the airport to pick up the remaining five students, who were flying in from Texas. One of them, Amii, joined Katie, Kayla, and me in our room. Amii, Buck, Maria, Eric, and Sioned are all in the Global Health program. The other students in the Global Healthcare program are Tristan, Taylor, Lauren, Kayla, Stephanie, and Hailey.

Today is another day of orientation. It is up to us to catch the Texas students on what we have learned so far! Val will lead us through more exercises and group sessions as well.


  1. Lydia, do you suppose Jerry and I could come join you on Thursday or Friday? I am sooo jealous! the pictures of Casa Central (I think I said that right ha) remind me of our 'hostel' we stayed at in Ecuador... The 80 peso taxi ride to nowhere in particular, also reminds me of our experience! Its quite an adventure, never knowing if your taxi driver REALLY does know where to take you, or if he's just claiming he does! I'd love, love, love to go to South America again! Mexico would qualify as well! :) I hope you have a wonderful time making awesome, unforgettable memories! Take lots of pictures, if for no reason other than they are a blast to look at in a year or two (ha nostalgic as well) Be safe, Drink lots of water, and enjoy the fabulous food! Love you lots sis! :) ~Marrissa~

    1. Marrissa! Yes! Come join me! Four weeks will fly by, but I really miss hearing from home. We have extra rooms here at Casa Central, even though there are twenty of us here right now! This morning we talked about the stuff we can do in our free time, and I am so excited! After dinner tonight (translate SUPPER-grrrr) I am going out and getting lost. I may go alone or with friends, but I don't have a destination in mind. I just want to use what I know, see what I can find, and use my Spanish. Probably don't tell Mom until after I get back safely :) I will be taking tons of pictures! Especially when I start going out more. Yesterday being Sunday, I stayed in in the evening. Tonight...different story :)
      Thanks for the comment! Can't believe we were walking and pushing Krysta to sleep less than three days ago!!

  2. Senorita Lydia, This old gray mare ain't what she use to be.

    A buelita tiene un cepillo rosadoo para el pelo.


    1. Grandma, I know you may not see this, but thank you so much for your comment. It truly made my day! I laughed until I cried. Wherever did you get that Spanish sentence? Do you know the translation? Grandma has a pink brush for her hair. Did you really want to say that??? I wish it were not so expensive to call the US...I would definitely call and chat in person!
      Love you!

  3. Hi, Lydia! How is it going down there? I hope you are having fun, because I miss you fer days! Guess what? I'm jealous of you, because you have an awesome house to live in until Friday!!!!!:) We will come back on Friday hopefully and check out your blog again. Have fun!!! Leah
    hi Lyd! Your blog was fun to read. I will try to email on nats phone tonight. Have a good day Mom
    Hannah is pretty awed by the pictures of "your" house!

  4. Lydia! Es muy bonita alli! It looks like an awesome experience! I am currently using your blog to get out of doing my Spanish summer course homework! So thanks! When you get back we need to go out for coffee or something so you can tell me all about it. Enjoy your trip and tell Jasmin to have lots of fun too.

    1. Hey Sam! Yes, we will definitely have to get together. I am interested to hear about your summer Spanish course too! It's hard to believe we have been here only four days--so much has happened! I will keep working on the blog, not that I would try to help anyone get out of homework :P

  5. Hola Senorita Lydia! Como esta usted?

    Abuelita tiene las mejillas gorda y no oye bien aqui la vida es muy tranquila. Yes I did. Something I pick up at the library spanish dictionary quickly just for fun.' Glad it made you laugh. Enjoyed your photos. Have a nice day. hou ve you. Did I get that right?

    1. You surprise me every day, Grandma! First that you found my blog, then that you left a comment, then that it was in Spanish! I hope you see everything I posted this morning, because there are a lot more photos. Did you show them to Aunt Irene? Or hasn't she come with you to the library? Have a great day!


Please leave comments or questions! I will do my best to respond.