Monday, June 9, 2014

My home for 9 days

Finally I am getting around to the post about my new home, and now it is no longer my home! As I posted earlier, I had to wait until Friday, May 30 to move into my homestay. I was too tired and sick to take pictures and post about it during the time I lived there.

Because it is about a ten minute walk from Central House, Valerie decided it would be best if I moved back into Central House. Then I do not have to walk to and from classes and activities. Some days that would not be a problem, but after walking home Thursday, I began to agree with her. I barely made it home that day...

So yesterday I had to say goodbye to my sweet "mom," doña Carmen. She was disappointed that I was leaving, but she understood it was for the best. She made me promise to come back and visit her before I leave Mérida, and I am looking forward to that.

Here, finally, are the pictures of the house where I spent nine or ten days.

The charming entrance to doña Carmen's home. I walked through the little gate under the hedge.

Just inside the front gate, here is the front area of the house.

Off to the left is this cute fountain and some other beautiful flowers.

This is my "mom" sitting in front of her beautiful little home.

To the right of the door was this sweet little plant stand as well as the "garage." Doña Carmen drives everywhere in her little VW with a manual transmission. She drives like my grandma. Since my grandma will probably be reading this post, I won't describe her driving. Just kidding, Grandma!

This is the view looking back towards the street from the front door.

Just inside the front door, this staircase leads to my bedroom and bathroom.
This little room is at the top of the stairs. There are cupboards lining the wall to the right, windows and a big mirror lining the wall in front of me, and a big desk with bookshelves to the left.

Just to the left of the staircase, this is my bedroom. There were two closets (I used both :P), a chair, and this large double bed. Unfortunately, I spent more time in the bed than anywhere else in the house! Behind the door to the right...

is the bathroom. That's me in the mirror, taking this picture :) To the left...

is the important part of the room...the shower! (What did you think I was going to say?)

This charming embroidered wall hanging made me smile every time I looked at it.

Back downstairs, this is the sitting area just inside the front door.

This is the view from the front door of the main living area. A comfy couch, a beautiful coffee table, and some rockers.

To the right of the living area, in this somewhat blurry photo, is the formal dining area. I sat here most nights to do my homework, post on my blog, or Skype with my family. I had Wifi in my room, but I was too far away to get a good connection.

Continuing further down the hallway into the house, we get to my favorite place: the dining area. Here is where I ate all my meals: some alone, some with doña Carmen. I was not expected to wash a single dish, and I am pretty sure clearing my own dirty dishes was optional (I did it anyway). Lupita is an older woman who lives with doña Carmen to help with the housework, cooking, and cleaning.

And this is why the dining area is my favorite part of the whole house: it faces directly onto a small garden. This garden is open to light and air, but is covered by a screen to prevent birds or insects from entering. The doors stay open all the time.

The little garden is filled with ferns, ivies, and other "greenery" plants.

to the right of the dining area and the little garden is the kitchen.

To the left of the dining area, through the computer/TV area, is the door to the big garden. It is more of a patio lined with plants and trees. Since the morning I first saw it, I was in love. I was looking forward to sitting outside to study or enjoy the evenings. Unfortunately, the weather was rainy the whole week I was in doña Carmen's house.
The perfect place to sit for an afternoon cup of tea and a book! If you don't mind the heat, that is.

This plant lined the edge of the house. Doña Carmen said children call it cow's tongue, and she knows no other name for it. I did a quick Internet search and found a picture of it here with a slightly different name...

Some of the other plants around the garden.

There were several large pots of asparagus fern in the patio.

And my favorite, the bougainvillea.

These pretty bushes are everywhere in Merida.

Coming back into the house, I got a slightly better picture of the dining area.

This beautiful hutch stands just behind my chair in the dining area.
And that is the tour of the house! I miss it, especially the peace and quiet of the neighborhood.


  1. Wow those are some really awesome pictures! The house looks beautiful! I love how half of the pics are of plants! :) But we can't help it that we have to look at plants first and then everything else, right? I wish our bougainvillas grew like that! One other thing... I love the reference to Grandma's driving! I hope she reads it :D

  2. I, too, love the plants. Huh, wonder why we all comment on the plants, right? :) The house looks lovely. Very cozy. Personally, I would love to sit out on that little patio with a good book. Bet I could even handle the heat! ;) Everything looks so green and beautiful! Dave was in awe of the student house when he saw the pictures. I am sure either home you are at is beautiful in in its own way! We are still enjoying seeing Mexico through your camera and words! :)

    Natalie K.

    1. Yes, I love both houses. The Starbucks across the street (Elisabeth, did you catch that detail??) is currently being remodeled, and there are saws and drills and all kinds of noise going on until from 7 am until 8 or 9 pm, seven days a week! It gets kind of loud! Also there is a lot of traffic right under my window. I told Mom it is like living right on 12th St. in Sioux Falls!

  3. I also love all of the plants! I just don't understand why we all agree that the plants are so nice! And that bougainvilla is unreal!! I wish I could see it! I love the house too! It is so cute! And I also love the patio! The heat would be so worth it! I like how secluded it is too! I think I need to go visit it :)

    1. The bougainvillea is amazing! It is all over here in Merida. I still need to take a walk down the street we took our first day here. There are the most amazing plants, and I need pictures! I will be sure to share them; if not on my blog, then by email!

  4. Yep. I agree the plants are amazing. You would think all of us had worked around plants or something. ;). The house looks so interesting. What a great experience. Love ya. Aunt Lea

    1. I have to laugh at myself whenever I go out with the others. They notice people and buildings, but I point out the plants! Sometimes I catch myself: I start saying, Ooh, look at....oh yeah, they don't really care. Where are my sisters when I need them??? :)

    2. Haha your sisters are here oohing and ahhing at the plants, its just the oohs come a little while after you have seen them ;)

    3. after you have seen the plants, that is! :)

    4. Your sisters are waiting extremely impatiently for you to get home!! :)

  5. ¡Qué casa bonita! Ojala que te sientas mejor.Así no tienes la oportunidad hablar con doña Carmen, ¿hablas español con los trabajadores en la Casa Central? ¿Qué puedes enseñarme sobre Gracia Marquez? ¿O Sor Juana? Mi papá tuvo cirugía el lunes, así pasé lunes y martes en el hospital con mi mamá. Estoy en casa esta mañana, pero tengo que regresar al hospital para llevarlo a casa. ¿Vamos a tener tiempo para hacer Skype? Oajal que sí!! Qué todo vaya bien,

    1. Pues, no he hablado mucho con los trabajadores de la casa, pero quiero pasar tiempo en la cocina. Quiero aprender a hacer la jamaica y la horchata, además de algunos platitos yucatecos. Por las tardes tengo el tiempo libre, pero necesito empezar de inmediato, ¡porque me quedan solamente 10 días aquí! ¿Cómo es posible?

  6. beautiful house! So charming!


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