Monday, June 2, 2014

Saturday's Ups and Downs

Saturday was our first free day since arriving in Mexico. Most of the students were planning to go to Progreso, the beach closest to Merida. I went downstairs at 8:30 and had breakfast with my host mother. She showed me her two gardens and I showed her pictures of my family. I gathered my things for the day, and she drove me to the Central House to meet the other students. I had not yet walked to the Central House, and she did not want me to get lost. I arrived at 10, but they were not planning to leave until 11. So I worked on my blog and waited...and waited...and waited. Finally a few of us left at 11:30, only to turn around after two blocks when it began to rain. We sat in the Central House trying to decide what to do with our day. The rain had let up, but more was predicted for the day. Finally we decided we would go, even in the rain. We caught the bus, which was already full. So we joined some others standing in the aisle as the bus driver continued to pick up more passengers. Every time he stopped, Jasmin and I would look at each other incredulously, wondering how in the world we would fit more people into the aisle! The ride was about twenty minutes long, but I was entertained watching the other people on the bus.

When we got off the bus at the station in Progreso, a light rain was still falling. We were hungry, but a few of the girls wanted to stop at one of the stands and look at dresses. After they bought one, we continued walking through the small town. We stopped in another shop and the owner started talking to us in English. He moved to Mérida 25 years ago after vacationing there and falling in love with the Yucatan. He talked nonstop for the next twenty minutes as we shifted from one foot to the other, waiting our chance to escape into the fresh air. He had plenty of stories and recommendations for our remaining three weeks in Merida, and I am sure he would have talked all afternoon if we had not excused ourselves and went on!

After walking along the boardwalk, we agreed to go back to eat in the first place we had seen. (Obviously, the decision was not up to me--I had suggested it as soon as I saw it!! :P) The food was good, and we had a table right on the beach. By the time we finished eating, it was 3:15, and the others decided they wanted to get back on the bus and head for home. I tried to talk them into swimming for at least fifteen minutes, but no luck. Unfortunately, we passed the same dress stand on the way back to the station, and spent another ten minutes deciding we did not really need more dresses...

On the way home, we actually got seats! Jasmin and I chatted the whole way home. I made her laugh because I was so entertained by the one game offered by my little Mexican cellphone. Super Jewel Quest: I am up to Level 24! Walking home from the bus stop in the light drizzle that had continued all day, we suddenly jumped and screamed. We were walking right next to the road, and a passing bus had splashed through the water setting near the curb, sending a wave of dirty water over us. Everyone got wet! It was awful, but I got the giggles. Once I stopped, I had to turn my umbrella sideways to walk between the fence and a light pole. Suddenly I got the giggles all over again. We were soaking wet from the bus shower: why in the world were we carrying umbrellas? I'm pretty sure the others did not see the humor in the situation, but I am still giggling aloud as I type this. Sound familiar, Natalie? Kristina? Lynn? :D

After picking up a few things I had left at Central House, I left again with Debora, who lives along my way home. I had never walked home by myself, but I was pretty sure I knew where I was going. If my memory didn't serve me correctly, I had the address saved in my memos on my phone. I said goodbye to Debora at her front gate and kept walking. I got to my street and my block, but my house wasn't there! At the end of the block, I noticed the street sign said 17B, and I thought I remembered that my house was on 17A. So I went a block further north and walked down that street. I knew I was on the correct block, because addresses in Merida include the cross streets. My house number is 94, by 10 and 12. So I was walking the block between 10 and 12, but no little house with the cute hedge over the front gate. I walked down 17B again, just in case the house had appeared when I turned by back. No such luck. There was one house that I stared at for a long time, but then I realized it had no second story, and my room is on the second floor. Tired and wet, I pulled out my little cell phone and called Val.

Her: Hi, Lydia, what's up?
Me: I think I might be lost. I'm not really sure where I am. (lump in throat threatening to choke me as I blink rapidly)
Her: (cheerfully, sensing my distress) Well, what are our options? Can you see a street sign?
Me: (relieved to be able to do something) I'm almost there...Yes. I am on the corner of Calle 10 and Calle 17B. I also walked down 17A, but I didn't see the house.
Her: You need plain 17. If you go one block north of 17A, you should come to Calle 17. Try that.
Me: (a little embarrassed I hadn't thought of that myself) Ok! I will do that.
Her: Ok. Be sure to call me when you get there!

Three minutes later, I arrived in front of my new home. I quickly called Val to let her know I had arrived safely, and let myself in. I quickly climbed the stairs to get out of my wet clothes. I love my room! I have my own bedroom and bathroom, and they are the only rooms upstairs. It is perfect! Do you see what I am trying to do here? I still need to post pictures of my new home, but I keep talking about it so you have to wonder what it is like. I promise I will try to take pictures today so I can post about it soon!

Saturday night made up for everything that went wrong during the day. We had a party at 8 PM at the Central House to meet our new language partners, students from the local universities. Jasmin and I paired up with Fátima and Montce, and we spent almost two hours chatting in Spanish. Both girls are studying architecture and attend college here in Mérida. Then we decided to go out for something to eat, and they took us to a nearby restaurant that sells Arabic food. It was delicious! Jasmin was particularly happy when the girls agreed to switch to English for the second half of the night. Much to my dismay, I soon realized that they speak English better than we speak Spanish!  We had a wonderful evening, and Jasmin and I are really excited to spend more time with Fátima and Montce during our last three weeks here. Busy as the first week was, I think the next three will be even busier! I will try to keep up with everything happening. Hasta luego!


  1. Hello Miss Lydia! I like reading your posts. :) Honestly, I need your stomach situation advice from your orientation session. Did they tell you anything groundbreaking? Good things are not happening in my intestines from my trip. :/


    1. Hi! Unfortunately, I feel I should be an expert in this subject, as I spent all day Sunday in my room and very near the bathroom. Our director Val's advice? Let it run its course...literally. If diarrhea lasts more than 1.5 days, then it is a problem. Otherwise it is just your body needing to get rid of something. If it is accompanied by other symptoms, she said to call her. I am pretty sure she has seen it all in her eight years here. That's all I know! Are you home now? That is always nice if you are not feeling well!

  2. Hi Lydia! I am commenting on this whole June 2 post. WOW! I think my eyes would be tired at the end of each day just from 'looking'! :) Amazing! Love all the beautiful pics and the explanations. So glad you are having a nice time.

    Natalie K.

    1. Glad you are enjoying the blog! It takes me a long time to upload all the pictures, decide which ones to delete, and add captions. But I love telling the stories. As for my eyes, yes, they do get tired. I have frequent headaches, partly from the bright sun and the heat, and partly from the strain of speaking mostly in Spanish. But I love it!!!!!

  3. Hi Lydia,
    Wow it sounds like your having an interesting time out there! I'm afraid I would be so brave to eat octapus and such things...:p) I'm looking forward to your next post!:)

    1. Anna! Hi! Haha of course you would be brave! You are one of the bravest people I know! I will try to keep posting, but today my homework load tripled, so it will be interesting trying to get everything done on time! Missing you!!!

  4. I'm just getting around to reading this and I was giggling out loud just as much as you were probably with the umbrella story! Good thing I made you take that scarf holder with you or else you would have been plain out of luck!! :P

    1. Haha yes, I was giggling with the umbrella story. Until I read your comment, I had actually forgotten about the scarf holder. When I read it, I laughed all the harder! Shall I post the picture here? :P

  5. Lydia,
    What a wonderful experience you are having. Thank you for the detailed accounts of your experiences. Say Hi to Jasmin for me.
    Dr. Johnson

  6. Hi, Dr. Johnson! Glad you are enjoying my blog. I love sharing my stories and picture with everyone. Jasmin and I are trying to make the most of our time here: storing images, stories, and memories in our hearts for years to come!


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