Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tulum Ruins

These are some of the pictures I snapped of the Tulum Ruins. Saturday morning eight of us girls took our bikes to the ruins and afterwards to the beach. It was a great time! We had fun running around the ruins and people-watching. I could not believe some of the tourists we saw.

I loved the Tulum site, although we were not allowed to climb on the ruins. It was completely different from the others we had visited, and it left us wondering again how it was used and how it must have looked when it was in use.

We turned around so many times I got lost, so I can't give an explanation of how the site was laid out. I can only share the pictures of the different structures we saw.

This one was right inside the entrance, so we stopped for...

...pictures, of course. Left to right are Jasmin, Hailey, Nicole, Regan, Amii, Kayla, and Stephanie.

I love being the photographer. It means I don't have to be in the picture!

But here I am anyway, as proof I was here!

These gorgeous flowers were growing on a bush nearby.

This is the building we were just posing by, viewed from the front instead of the side.

Looking off to the right of the path, we could see a lot more foundations.

This is one of the larger buildings in the site.

Regan :)

I forgot the best part...the ruins are just along the sea! This glimpse of the sea just made us want to strip down to our bathing suits and run into the waves. The morning was hot and sticky, although a beautiful breeze was coming off the water.

I believe this was one of the stairways we were not allowed to climb, but we did get another view of this building from the side.

It was like an observatory, and it may have even been used as a lighthouse. I read something on one of the signs about light from a lamp in the window would line up perfectly with the only navigable opening through the coral reefs offshore.

We could hear the waves, see the boats, smell the salt, and even feel the occasional spray of water from the sea.

Isn't the blue of the water amazing?

I don't remember anymore what this building was...

...or this one, but I still like the pictures.

You can see these buildings are really starting to crumble!

I think this is a farther away shot of one of the last pictures, but I can't be sure.

This building was quite well-preserved, in contrast with some of the others.

Grass was growing on the ruins, especially in flat places.

Here it is...the iguana picture!

At the exit of the site. looking back.

If someone paid Stephanie a dime for every photo of herself, she could start paying back her student loans. Between her and Regan, they must have photos of every angle of the site! We were laughing at them all morning!

Despite the crowds of tourists and the heat of the sun, we enjoyed the hours we spent here at the ruins. Because of the crowds and the tourists, we were all ready to leave! After this we headed to the beach where everyone of us got sunburnt, even though we put on sunscreen multiple times. It was a wonderful day!

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